Site Work
Professional excavation contractors can now do a lot more than dig holes in the ground. Excavation services now include expert drainage control, precision tree and brush removal, and quality construction grading. From clearing to completion Lamb Excavating has the tools and the know-how to get the job done.

Proper grading is of paramount importance whether that be for a residence or a commercial buildout. Proper grading is the first step to ensuring that the property drains correctly and reduces the chance of property damage during heavy rains. Proper grading also plays a key role in paving, ensuring that the appropriate base and elevations are met sets the foundation for a successful paving job. At Lamb Excavating, we use state-of-the-art laser controlled equipment to achieve elevation precision across the property.
Drainage Control
Drainage issues like standing water, increased pests due to perpetually wet grounds, or more series problems like water infiltration or unhealthy turf can be caused by a poor initial site grade or other conditions outside of your control. When the fall of the property doesn't allow for drainage control through grading other solutions might needed. Lamb Excavating has extensive experience in solving complex drainage problems and providing unique solutions that meet your needs and limit the impact on your surrounding property. A few of the most common approaches to resolving drainage issues include:
1.) French Drain - The French drain is a drainage solution that has been leveraged since the 1800's. A French Drain, or Weeping Tile, gathers water and provides a place underground where it may take its time filtering down through dense soils. It is essentially a trench that is dug to any depth and filled with gravel and possibly a perforated drain line. Landscape material or geotextiles are laid over the top of the gravel and the soil replaced. The surrounding area is graded to drain to this trench so water no longer gathers on the surface.
2.) Curtain Drain - A perforated pipe is set into the ground, running from the problem area to the safe zone. The pipe draws in water through its holes and by the power of gravity, carries water away from your home. For a Curtain Drain to work the property must have a higher elevation than some of the land surrounding it. So, if the street or an adjacent woodland are below the grade of your flooded yard, you’re in luck!
3.) Dry Well - If there’s nowhere it would make sense to drain the storm water, your best bet might be to install a dry well. Basically, a dry well is a holding tank for excess runoff. The container fills during a storm, then in the hours and days afterward, it drains into the soil beneath and next to the well adjacent. Depending on the location, a gravel-filled dry well may be covered over with soil and grass.
4.) Sump Pump - A sump pump corrals excess runoff and pumps it away. That means it can deposit the water somewhere that’s uphill from your property.
Foundation Excavation and Backfill
We all know the importance of a firm foundation, but did you know that establishing a solid and code-compliant foundation starts long before the concrete is poured? Whether you are a home owner looking to increase the square footage of your home through an addition or a builder looking to start on a new home, having the foundation properly dug is key. Strict building codes for foundation excavation dictate things like how high the foundation must protrude above the ground, along with the amount of slope required for the ground that falls away from the house on each side. Lamb Excavating understand the importance of adhering to the code and has the expertise to help you set a firm foundation for your next building project.
Land Clearing
Whether you are clearing a brush line on your property or starting new construction, Lamb Excavating can help with your land clearing needs in the Indianapolis area. Land clearing services can range from whole lot clean out to highly specified brush/tree removal depending on your needs.