More than 20,000 homes in Marion County are served by private septic systems. Septic systems have a limited life and eventually fail, leaching human waste into groundwater, backyards and neighborhood ditches and streams. Septic systems are linked to high E. coli bacteria counts in many small neighborhood streams and ditches during dry weather, when children are most likely to play in them.
- Citizens Energy Group
Lamb Excavating: A Name We Stand Behind
We want long-term relationships with our customers. We achieve that through our wide range of services, our commitment to positive customer experience, and our attention to cost constraints. Call us for everything from homes to hook-ups to hang outs!
What Sets Us Apart?
Customer Experience
No Hidden Costs
Our Name, Which We Stand Behind.
For more information on the Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP) in Indianapolis, please visit our friends over at Citizens Energy Group or contact us!
The Lamb Excavating S.T.E.P. Customer Experience
Educate the Customer- Our philosophy is simple: if we help the customer understand the process he can make a better informed buying decision.
Execute on Schedule - We won't chase volume to the point we can't maintain the schedule we agree upon with the customer. Each project is unique and important to Lamb Excavating.
Treat Your Property as Our Own - Each quote reflects the cost to complete the job from start to finish. Construction of your sewer lateral is costly and represents significant investment. If cost is critical, we will work with you to identify cost-reducing options with appropriate concessions.
Minimize Impact - Our equipment has been selected because it affords maximum precision, with minimal impact to your property. We can offer several options to minimize impact.
Follow Through on Restoration - Complete restoration of an excavating project takes time. Lamb Excavating will be up front about restoration costs. You will not pay restoration costs until the work is complete, but you will lock in a favorable rate for the work.